Late Spring Update

Various insect and disease problems are coming up now. The best advice for what and when type of treatments is a recorded message from the Missoula extension service, updated on a weekly basis. This means it is only half a week early for us, at most.

The number is (406) 258 - 3820

I am experiencing serious aphid and caterpillar problems, and the coddling moth apple worm is not far away.

The Missoula extension service recommendations are divided into hard (or conventional) treatments and soft (or organic) treatments.  My preferred organic treatments are generally effective, but require more frequent and well-timed applications because of their low residual nature. I am currently using a good deal of insecticidal soap and a Bt caterpillar controller.  I will be using spinosad against the coddling moth and cherry fruit fly, but it is early yet for that.

I am still transplanting trees and shrubs, but only in the evening with a lot of water and shade, and with a forecast of cooler, damper days to come.

I still have a fairly wide selection of plants available and a good supply of Canby raspberries, which are the most flavorful variety I have found so far. Raspberries can continue to be planted into the summer.


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